The Dark Obsession: Unraveling the Psychology and Obsession of Serial Killers and True Crime Documentaries and Shows on Netflix ~ Anusha
There's something undeniably captivating about the dark and mysterious world of serial killers. From chilling documentaries to spine-tingling novels, our fascination with these real-life monsters seems insatiable. In the age of binge-watching, Netflix has become our virtual playground, offering a vast library of shows and documentaries catering to every conceivable interest. One genre, in particular, has gripped our collective imagination: true crime . But what drives our obsession with serial killers and true crime shows? The Dark Intrigue of Serial Killers Serial killers are the real-life boogeymen, lurking in the shadows of our society. Understanding the psychology behind their actions is like peeking into the darkest corners of the human mind. It's a morbid curiosity. Serial killers defy the norms of humanity, making them both terrifying and oddly fascinating. Shows like "Mindhunter" and “Dahmer” and documentaries like "Conversations with a Kille...